How to participate in the Environmental Book Club


Currently our meetings are
offered via Zoom and in person at Old Books on Front Street 249 N. Front Street, Wilmington, NC.

In the community

We meet the second Tuesday of the month. Social time starts at 5:30 pm. Discussion runs from 6 pm to approx. 8 pm. The bookstore closes at 8 pm.


For book club updates, complete the “Contact us” form  and specify “book club” as a reason for contacting us. In case of last-minute changes to our schedule, we’ll post an update on the Going Green calendar.

About the Book Club

We started the Environmental Book Club in April 2011. The first month we elected to read a Rachel Carson classic, A Gift from the Sea, in honor of our coastal location. Since then we have met monthly, and we read a variety of books having something to do with the environment.

Some are classics; others are new releases, and they represent all genres. We host an annual book-choosing night in the fall, where anyone who has attended a meeting in the previous 12 months is invited to attend and suggest books for the coming year’s discussions.

There’s no long-term commitment: you can come when the title being discussed interests you! (We do hope you’ll read the book before you come, as it enriches the conversation.) It’s a small group, so everyone has a chance to talk.

Click here for the complete list of books we’re reading in 2025, or call Valerie at (910) 547-4390. Note: for the time being, due to COVID restrictions on gatherings, we’re tailoring each gathering to suit the times and the weather, so call us or look for our e-newsletter update regarding book club.

Old Books on Front Street offers a discount to anyone arriving by bicycle, and Environmental Book Club participants receive a discount on Club selections. Call ahead to make sure they have your book in stock: the store’s number is (910) 762-6657. Be sure to tell them at the register that you qualify for the book club discount.

Some of our favorite books

The Book Club has read more than 160 books since it started. Here are a few of our publisher’s favorites:

Crossroads of the Natural World: Exploring North Carolina with Tom Earnhardt

by Tom Earnhardt

The Geography of Risk: Epic Storms, Rising Seas, and the Cost of America’s Coast

by Gilbert M. Gaul

Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the DeepOrigins of Consciousness

by Peter Godfrey-Smith

Eager: The surprising secrets of the lives of beavers and why they matter

by Ben Goldfarb

Bringing Nature Home

by Douglas Tallamy

Mozart’s Starling

by Lyandra Lynn Haupt

Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming

edited by Paul Hawken

The Post Carbon Reader

edited by Richard Heinberg

Braiding Sweetgrass

by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Oak: The Frame of Civilization

by William Bryant Logan

Unbowed: A Memoir

by Wangari Maathai

A Bright Future: How Some Countries Have Solved Climate Change and the Rest Can Follow

by Joshua S. Goldstein & Staffan A. Qvist