Why advertise with us

Cape Fear’s Going Green is the area’s premier publication devoted to promoting eco-friendly and sustainable resources in the lower Cape Fear. Advertising with us is the most effective way to reach local consumers trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Our community members are increasingly interested in the green products and services you may offer. Many are new to the area, not yet familiar with local companies and organizations. These conscious consumers seek products that will improve their health and quality of life, and help them feel they’re making a contribution to the green movement.

Cape Fear’s Going Green is devoted to supporting local businesses, both in the articles we publish and in affording individuals and groups the chance to advertise to a targeted environmentally- conscious readership.

We distribute 10,000 copies free of charge throughout New Hanover, Pender, and Brunswick counties. Our readers trust what they read in Going Green, because we have a reputation for providing accurate information.

Our audience

Our readers range from professionals to school kids, from educators to policymakers, from scientists to local activists. Our goal is to empower folks, and we strive to make our information readable by and accessible to all. Our readership is varied, vocal, and passionate about sustaining a healthy environment and community.

Our readers

>> Learn about local providers of eco-friendly products and services
>> Find out about upcoming environmental events
>> Find groups of people who share their interests
>> Get ideas for what they might incorporate into their
own home
>> Many collect back issues to keep as reference

Our audience

Our readers range from professionals to school kids, from educators to policymakers, from scientists to local activists. Our goal is to empower folks, and we strive to make our information readable by and accessible to all. Our readership is varied, vocal, and passionate about sustaining a healthy environment and community.

Our readers

>> Learn about local providers of eco-friendly products
and services
>> Find out about upcoming environmental events
>> Find groups of people who share their interests
>> Get ideas for what they might incorporate into their
own home
>> Many collect back issues to keep as reference

Our advertisers include

B + O Design Studio
Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation (BEMC)
Cape Fear Audubon
Cape Fear Bird Observatory
Cape Fear Solar Systems
City of Wilmington Stormwater Services
Feast Down East
Fire in the Pines Festival
Friends School of Wilmington
Going Native Gardens
Great Outdoor Provision Company
Heinberg Insurance
Historic Wilmington Foundation
Luna Creative
Native Plant Festival

New Hanover County Senior Resource Center
NC Native Plant Society
NC Native Plant Society–SE Coastal Chapter
Old Books on Front Street
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)
Pomegranate Books
Shelton Herb Farm
Veg-Out Festival
We Use Worms
Whole Water Solutions
Wild Bird & Garden
Wilmington Earth Day Festival
The Wilmington Farmers Market at Tidal Creek
Wilmington VegFest
Wilmington Water Tours

“OLLI at UNCW is trying to reach out to adults over age 50 to become members and enjoy the classes, forums, and events offered to them through our organization. We think many engaged community members read Going Green and appreciate these readers finding out about the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in this way."
rich Cooper
OLLI Advisory Council Member
“Going Green connects us with a community of people curious about the world we live in and how to make it better.”
Gwenyfar Rohler
Owner, Old Books on Front Street
"Cape Fear Audubon has been advertising with Going Green since 2014. I've no doubt that these ads have positively impacted our membership, our attendance numbers at events and our ability to draw readers' attention to the importance of protecting and enjoying birds.”
Nancy Buckingham
Communications Committee
Cape Fear Audubon
“Advertising in Cape Fear’s Going Green has enabled us to reach a broad range of stakeholders and community members to promote awareness, protection, and stewardship of our local waterways. ”
Jennifer Butler, CEE
Stormwater Education Program Manager
City of Wilmington, Stormwater Services

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